Donald Trump
A collection of animated gifs featuring your favourite President
Donald Trump animated gifs. The internet is having a whale of a time creating memes about fake news and photo shopping him so why shouldn’t I.
I did not realise how many Trump animations I had made
These animations have appeared on pluspora, the social network I tend to use, as many of my friends from Google+ moved there. It has a good mixture of creative people, photographers, artists and people who want to have an intelligent chat about life in general. I also created a few “modified” photos but as this is really an animated gif website I have added them to Pinterest, a place where any visual work can be displayed. I also experiment with an old and ancient (much like myself) morphing program and the Boris to Donald transformation is the result of that, which I find just a little disturbing.
I’m not sure where my inspiration comes from regarding the animated gifs here, why stick a lettuce in Trumps mouth? Maybe he should be a little more “greener” and I’m not sure he would be the best Santa in the world but in the UK a trump is what my innocent little teddy bear is doing, although there is no necessity to set it alight.
I have purposely left out wording on the Uncle Sam animation so that you can download the image and then add your own words, possibly using image editing software you have installed or by uploading it to an online image editing program and adding text of your choice there. The snow effect is easy to achieve, just visit my special overlay page for info on how to do it, especially if using a Wix website builder.
I may have unfairly picked on Donald Trump, as far as I’m concerned it has nothing to do with my political opinions, I live in the UK anyway, God help us with Brexit problem, but it does seem to be the norm to have a little fun with images of the American President so I have joined the bandwagon.