3D Monkey animated gifs
When I was a little boy my older brother told me that the doctor would bring me a monkey, imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be a baby sister. I love my sister to bits but a monkey would have been more fun
It’s possible you may have seen this particular monkey animation on the internet, he has been created in animations doing all sorts of things and I have selected six of the best ones to display here. Feel free to download any of these animated gifs to your hard drive and modify or use as you wish. All of these animations have a transparent background so they will sit very nicely on a light coloured background.
Included in this selection of animations you will find my interpretation of the three wise monkeys (On desk top computer it is the top three)
I have made so many different animations using this one monkey model, I have had him sitting on a toilet, decorated him with national flags and he has been animated holding numerous signs and what is really nice is that he has been used, with his Google glasses (What happened to them) and playing a Fender guitar on former BBC presenter Stan Laundons web page about the Hartlepool Monkey. If you were a child of the sixties Stan has created a very informative website
In my template section you will find an animated monkey with bananas and a blank sign that you can plant a message on, I can imagine the sort of message that could be applied.
Get up to mischief with my Cheeky animated monkey gifs