The confessions of a Unigate Milkman
When I was a young man over forty years ago I was a Milkman, delivering fresh milk in glass bottle to your doorstep, a healthy outside job where you did not have a boss looking over your shoulder.

I had to get up every morning at 4 am
In the seventies I was a milkman and it has given me the idea to make these milkman animations. I used to drive an electric three wheeled milk float just like the one above and spent many happy years out on the road and around all the houses delivering milk. It was fun meeting all the housewives and sometimes avoiding their advances, as a young innocent milkman I seemed to attract the older woman but as far as I was concerned all I wanted to do was get my milk and a wide range of groceries delivered. They were some of the happiest days of my life; I met many wonderful people and had quite a few unusual experiences, made friends with countless dogs and was even attacked by cats. You had to tolerate all weather conditions, rain, snow, wind and sunshine. The hot weather was the worst as keeping your full cream Channel Island milk was not easy but because it was expensive and not many people wanted it I would keep them in the centre of the milk float under cover.
You may even have a use for these animations on your web pages and blogs or even in some sort of presentation.To construct an animated 3D milk float was a lot of hard work. With so much curved work and awkwardly placed windows it took a lot of sorting out. This was a complete new model and I made milk crates and milk bottle for it which I have isolated and used as separate animations.
You do not see this sort of milk float on the roads these days but just drawing it brought back many happy memories for me.The cheeky animated Unigate Teddy bear milkman was a redraw of one of the naughty teddy models, adding a milkman's hat and a bottle of Channel Island milk (Gold top). He is probably asking if you would like to see his gold top. He is actually wearing the old Unigate milkman’s attire, the supervisor milkman, who had to know several milk rounds and cover for sickness and holidays had light blue trim rather than red. I was actually a Branch supervisor and even covered for other milk rounds in other areas.